13 September 2019
Vandalism at Mierlo War Cemetery

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is appalled to learn that further vandalism has occurred at Mierlo War Cemetery, the final resting place of 664 Commonwealth soldiers and one Dutch soldier from the Second World War.
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is appalled to learn that further vandalism has occurred at Mierlo War Cemetery less than a week after the previous damage had been removed. It is particularly distressing that someone has shown such a complete lack of respect during the lead up the 75th anniversary of the allied forces landing in The Netherlands.
CWGC’s sites take centre stage for these important moments of remembrance as people from across nations come together to reflect and pay deserved respect to the war dead. It is distressing to see the damage on the headstones themselves, behind every one of those war graves is a human story of someone who gave their life while in service.

This is a thoughtless act of vandalism and our staff will be onsite ensuring the damage is put right today. We are also liaising closely with local police to try and prevent any further damage to the site.