25 April 2020
CWGC gardener pays special tribute on Anzac Day

A Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) member of staff has paid a special tribute to the thousands of First World War dead killed in Gallipoli, on an Anzac Day like no other. CWGC’s Burak Gundogan undertook a solo pilgrimage of the Turkish peninsula today (Saturday 25 April) to lay wreaths on behalf of those who would have attended this year’s cancelled Anzac Day commemorations.
Visiting CWGC memorials and cemeteries alone, Burak was able to safely conduct a small gesture of remembrance during this difficult time. It comes as commemorative Anzac Day events around the world are among the gatherings to have been cancelled to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
Burak, CWGC’s country manager for Turkey, attended Lone Pine Cemetery, Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial and the Helles Memorial. Together these sites contain the graves and memorials to thousands of men from the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). Their landing on the beaches of Gallipoli during the First World War on 25 April 1915, and the bloody campaign that ensued against Ottoman forces, continues to act as a focal point of Australia and New Zealand’s national day of remembrance.

As well as Anzacs, there are British, Indian, Irish and Newfoundland war dead commemorated by CWGC at the sites where wreaths were laid.
Burak Gundogan said: “Usually our cemeteries and memorials would be filled with people paying their respects on Anzac Day but that’s just not possible right now. I was lucky to be in the unique position of being able to do something on behalf of the Commonwealth community and show that these men are no less remembered today.
“I hope this small act of remembrance from here in Turkey can show that wherever we are in the world and whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, it is still possible to pause and reflect on the generations before us.

“As a local I always admired the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in Gallipoli and it is a great honour to be a part of the team. Every day brings a new challenge, but I am so proud of what my team and I strive to do, because we keep memories alive and remind people of the sacrifices made.”
Burak Gundogan is CWGC’s Country Supervisor in Turkey. He first joined the Commission in 2012 as an office administrator. Burak is proud to work with CWGC as both his great grandfathers fought at Gallipoli and lost their lives.
A photographer, who travelled separately, captured the moments at a safe distance to these images to be shared with our Commonwealth communities.