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Resources for visiting a CWGC site

Whether you're attending one of our guided tours, or are just out exploring on your own, our selection of how-to guides, downloadable cemetery tours and activity booklet will help you make the most of a visit to one of our sites.

Download our activity booklet
Download our activity booklet
This booklet is full of fun activities for young explorers, writers, and artists. Get inspired by visiting one of our cemeteries or memorials and discover more about the work that we do, the people we commemorate and to help us ensure that they are always remembered. Get the CWGC Activity Book

Go on a tour of one of our sites

We've created these downloadable guides for some of our largest sites around Great Britain. Each guide will give you the history of the site as well as the stories of some of the casualties commemorated there and some interesting features to keep an eye out for. Download a copy to take with you the next time you visit. 

Download the relevant guide ready for your next trip
Brookwood Military Cemetery Cambridge City Cemetery
Cannock Chase War Cemetery Cardiff (Cathays) Cemetery
Chatham Naval Memorial Glasgow Western Necropolis
Harrogate (Stonefall) Cemetery Liverpool Naval Memorial
Lyness Royal Naval Cemetery Newark-upon-Trent Cemetery
Plymouth Naval Memorial Tower Hill Memorial

Discover our How To Research guides

These bitesize guides are designed to help you research an individual who died in the First World War. Firstly, you will need to decide who you will research… this might be a relative, or you could choose a name from a local war memorial, or you might select a name from a Commonwealth War Graves (CWGC) headstone in one of our cemeteries, or within a parish churchyard local to you.

These guides will take you step by step through your initial research, showing you how to search the CWGC records and archives before making suggestions about where to discover additional information online.

Simply download the relevant guide and begin your journey of discovery
How to research… Army How to research… Air Force
How to research… Navy   How to research… Merchant Navy
How to research… Australian How to research… Canadian
How to research… New Zealander How to research… Undivided India
How to research… South African How to research… West Indies
Find a CWGC site near you
Find a CWGC site near you
Our updated app is a great way of finding your nearest CWGC headstones. Find your local churchyard or plan a trip further afield on our iPhone or Android app. Our Apps