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Welcome to War Graves Week

Running from the 21-28 May 2022, war graves week shone a light on our work and the people who keep Remembrance of our war dead alive.

Celebrating Ordinary People in Extraordinary times

Around the world ordinary people do extraordinary things every day for their community. They do it today, and they did it during the world wars. War Graves Week celebrated the remarkable everyday men and women who faced extraordinary times during the world wars and gave their lives for their communities.

Discover how your skills might have been used during the world wars through the stories
of ordinary men and women from five key industries who made their mark on history.
Who could you have been?
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Our updated app is a great way of finding your nearest CWGC headstones. Find your local churchyard or plan a trip further afield on our iPhone or Android app. Our Apps

Whether you're attending one of our guided tours, or are just out exploring on your own, our selection of how-to guides, downloadable cemetery tours and activity booklet will help you make the most of a visit to one of our sites.
Everything you need to visit a CWGC site
War Graves Week resources

Get involved with #WarGravesWeek

Keep up to date with War Graves Week on social media with the hashtag #WarGravesWeek - you'll get to find out what we're up to, see how other people are getting involved and get a sneak peak at people's best in bloom entries.