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Explore our East Scotland Region

The East Scotland region includes war cemeteries and memorials in the Scottish Borders, Lothian, Midlothian, the City of Edinburgh, Falkirk, Stirling, Fife, Perth and Kinross, Angus, Aberdeenshire, Moray, the Highlands, and the Orkney and Shetland Islands.

In this region the CWGC commemorates almost 13,500 service personnel at 950 locations.

Scotland East map

Meet the team

I’m Patricia, and I am the Public Engagement Coordinator for Scotland.

I have been working for the Commission for over three years, and very much enjoy engaging the public with the 21,000 plus commemorations we have for casualties in Scotland. We look after cemeteries in Orkney and Islay, and care for thousands of graves across the country, ranging from several hundred in the cities to individual graves in towns, villages and islands, and each one has a story.

I can offer talks, cemetery tours and school visits, and much more. We have volunteering opportunities in every area, including with the Speakers’ Programme and tours. The most satisfying part of my job is helping people find the resting places of their family members, especially when they have had no idea that we care for that person’s grave or where. As someone who has ten family members with CWGC commemorations, I know how important this connection is.

I am lucky to be able to represent the Commission at many national events here in Scotland, and my proudest moment was laying a wreath at the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle on Anzac Day.

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Hi, I’m Iain and I am the Regional Manager for the Commissions work in Scotland. Across the Scotland East and West Regions my teams work at 1,275 locations, from inner city cemeteries to isolated graveyards on the Scottish Isles.

My team and I don’t just cover mainland Scotland and the Scottish Islands, we also look after war graves on Iceland and the Faroe Islands. In the UK, we’ve arguably got the toughest geography to deal with. On top of the variety you’ll find all across the country, many of our sites in the Highlands and Islands can only be reached by plane, boat and at times on foot. Given the harsh weather conditions in this part of the world, we often have narrow windows in which to complete projects, and at times have to postpone inspections to avoid getting stranded during storms.

My role is very varied and includes many tasks including overall responsibility of the team, managing the budget, dealing with enquiries, maintaining and improving overall standards, ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations and general issues that affect our work. I also work with representatives from local authorities and other stakeholders regarding the work we carry out. With such a large spread of sites, we rely on support in the community, to compliment the work of my team. I represent the Commission in Scotland, attending events and ceremonies as required. The team are based in Alloa.

To get in touch with the regional operations team, please: 

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Discover Lyness (Royal Naval) Cemetery
Discover Lyness (Royal Naval) Cemetery
Sailors from Scapa Flow buried their shipmates at Lyness from 1915 until 1946. Learn more
Edinburgh (Comely Bank) Cemetery

Comely Bank Cemetery is situated in the heart of Edinburgh and is the final resting place of over 300 service personnel.

Edinburgh (Comely Bank) Cemetery
Arbroath Western Cemetery
Arbroath Western Cemetery

Located on Scotland’s east coast, Arbroath Western Cemetery contains the largest number of war graves of both wars in Angus: 8 First World War casualties and 54 Second World War casualties.

Arbroath Western Cemetery
Aberdeen (Trinity) Cemetery
Aberdeen (Trinity) Cemetery

Just north of Aberdeen’s city centre lies Aberdeen (Trinity) Cemetery & Broadhill Extension which contain the graves and memorials of over 270 Commonwealth servicemen and women of the two world wars.

Aberdeen (Trinity) Cemetery
Perth Jeanfield and Wellshill Cemetery

The CWGC care for 570 war graves here, including those of over 350 Polish soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Second World War.

Perth Jeanfield and Wellshill Cemetery
Kingussie Cemetery

We care for only 14 graves of men who died during the Second World War in this small Speyside cemetery, but they attest to four different ways that the war touched the Highlands.

Kingussie Cemetery