The Battle of Monte Cassino and the Italian Campaign
All too often the sacrifices made in Italy are overshadowed by the Allied landings in Normandy. Some of those who fought for the liberation of Italy even referred to themselves ironically as “D-day dodgers”, yet all who took part in the campaign knew the hardships and sacrifices made in one of the fiercest struggles of the war in Europe.
"When you look 'round the mountains, through the mud and rain. You'll find the crosses, some which bear no name. Heartbreak, and toil and suffering gone the boys beneath them slumber on they were the D-Day Dodgers, who'll stay in Italy."
“The D-Day Dodgers” by Lance-Sergeant Harry Pynn, November 1944

Lighting Their Legacy events
Our Torch of Commemoration will be at events to mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino on 19 May 2024 at our Cassino War Cemetery.
Discover Lighting Their LegacyGo on a virtual pilgrImage
Cassino War Cemetery lies just south-west of Cassino in the Provence of Frosinone, Italy. The area is dominated by the rocky hill, the home to the historic Abbey of St. Benedict of Nursia.
As part of the defensive German Gustav line, Cassino and the Abbey were strategically important and some of the most vicious fighting in the Italian Campaign took place here between January and May 1944. The fourth and final battle of Cassino finally unlocked the Allied advance towards Rome which was finally liberated on 4 June 1944.
There are 4,271 Commonwealth service personnel of the Second World War buried or commemorated at Cassino War Cemetery, 289 of the burials are unidentified. The Cassino Memorial commemorates over 3,000 service personnel who died in Italy and have no known grave. In addition, over 900 Indian soldiers are commemorated on this memorial whose remains were cremated.
Go on a virtual tour of the cemetery during a visit or from the comfort of your own home.

Access the Cassino virtual tour via the Memory Anchor app, available on IOS and Android.
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Visit For Evermore: Stories of the Fallen, our online commemorative resource to read and share the stories about some of the people involved in the Italian Campaign.
All images © IWM unless otherwise indicated.